Kotlin ?

By the way, I’m hearing about Kotlin at the end of 2016. I just saw a sample code from Budi Oktaviyan’s GitHub repository. I’m not interested enough to trying Kotlin, because I just can’t move on from Java that time.

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Background Problem

For sharing session in UNIKOM CodeLabs division, I will share my story about how to make a good git branching model. I’ve been using Git since 3 years ago. I usually just create one branch called master (You must be familiar with it). Everything is fine when I work alone. There is different story when I work with the team. Too much code conflict, uncounted pull, integration error are some problems with just one branch exist.

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Since one month ago, I’ve been feeling interested with text mining and machine learning. In the learning process, I found some alien words for me. One of that is TF-IDF.

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What I Learn From Xamarin Party Event

Bandung Developer Day #5

Bandung developer day is an event for developers in Bandung. The purpose of this event is to share new knowledge for developers. In 20 Desember 2016, Fifth event of Bandung developer day was held. the topic is Introduction to Xamarin.

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MVP Template For Android Studio

Behind The Scene

In recent weeks, I’ve been researching about MVP pattern in android. In the past, I always put all code in the activity and I just realized it’s not good for future development, so I decide to learn MVP pattern. I found a good resource from Google Samples on github

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